alexandra paretta

I have been curious about and fascinated by spirituality and sex since I was a young teenager. I was raised in reformed Judaism, a faith that welcomes questions and intellectual discussions about morality, ethics, life, God, and everything else under the sun. As a result, I felt compelled to research and create my own ideals and relationship to spirituality and sex. I constantly questioned mainstream cultural attitudes and defied gender norms. I first identified as a feminist at age thirteen because I had already began experiencing sexist treatment and objectification as a young, sexually-developing individual.

During college, some of my experiences and relationships with cis men included violation of consent and bodily autonomy. With this, sex was often used a tool of power, gratification, and control, instead of a respectful and mutually beneficial exchange of pleasure.

In the years that followed, I continued to encounter cis men who struggled with porn addiction, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, performance anxiety, and a lack of education and concern for my sexual pleasure as a cis woman. After years of experiencing sexual dissatisfaction, frustration around communication, and feeling disempowered, I was exhausted by how deeply dysfunctional and undeveloped our culture’s relationship to sex is and how urgently it needs to be healed and transformed on all dimensions.

At various points in my own life I have used sex like a drug; a mindless distraction, numbing device, and tool for escaping pain and feelings of being overwhelmed, instead of deep connection to myself, my feelings, and my needs. I struggled to feel connected to my body because of unresolved trauma that created debilitating post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, and numbness. My years of healing, transformation, education, and integration have allowed me to shed layers of physical and emotional pain so I could reconnect to the innocent, joyful freedom of my humanity that is both sexual and spiritual in nature.

Today, I acknowledge and honor the wisdom of the human body and the power of sexual energy that can be used a healing modality for the benefit of myself and all beings. I feel empowered to share my experience and expertise with any and all willing students who have the desire to heal and transform.

I am passionate about contributing to the building and sustenance of a culture in which all people have access to pleasure focused embodiment and sex education.

I offer trauma-informed guidance and teach somatic healing practices that

  • heals shame and expands sexual liberation

  • empower one’s ability to authentically give and request consent

  • strengthens autonomy by identifying boundaries and desires

  • anchors one’s focus and awareness into the body with relaxed presence

  • transforms trauma

  • enhances pleasurable sensation

  • becomes a portal to pleasure that benefits oneself and others

I want to see and hear your feelings and needs and hold them with compassion.

When you need clarification, have questions, and would like to inquire more deeply, you will sense my knowledge, experience, resourcefulness, and my ability to admit my limits and shortcomings.

It is my pleasure to serve as your witness, teacher, and guide as you integrate and root more deeply into the wisdom of your body as you encounter fear, numbness, pain, ecstasy, freedom, and wholeness.

I acknowledge the privileges and biases I possess that have influenced, and continue to influence, the way I perceive and experience life as a white, able-bodied cisgender woman. I engage in and teach practices and philosophies from Yoga, Tibetan Buddhist Tantra, Taoism, and Traditional Chinese Medicine as someone who has been failed by many Western medical practices that are rooted in white-supremacist capitalism, sexism, misogyny, heteronormativity, and harmful attitudes and practices towards mental health, addiction, trauma, sexuality, sexual health, our human bodies, our Earth, and her creatures.

I have deep respect for the wisdom and knowledge that comes from the people who have cultivated these transformational practices and philosophies, and it is my desire to honor these people, their descendants, their cultures and their traditions with humility and grace.

Within my professional and personal life, I am committed to abolishing the constructs of white-supremacy, capitalism, cis-heteropatriarchy, the prison industrial complex, hierarchy, classism, fatphobia, the gender binary, transmisogyny, misogynoir, homophobia, ableism, and bigotry of all forms. I understand that the journey of learning and unlearning never ends. Along this path, even if I perceive my intentions as “good,” I will inevitably cause harm. It is my desire that when this occurs, I take accountability and make amends to change my behavior, speech, and ideas so I can continue to expand as an inclusive, loving, and respectful human being.

I advocate for a world that encourages loving self-reflection, compassionate accountability, transformative justice, communal care, mutual-aid, and reparations.

education & training


Foundational Dominatrix Certification (Conscious Kink & BDSM) - The Evolutionary Dominatrix Academy with Mistress Damiana Chi PhD


Embodied Meaning: A Course in Expressive Performance - Alexandra Beller & Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies

Introduction to Laban Movement Analysis - Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies

Introduction to Bartenieff Fundamentals - Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies

Intimacy Training & Certification Level 1 & 2 - Intimacy Directors & Coordinators

Mental Health First-Aid Certification - National Council for Mental Wellbeing

Bystander Intervention with Right to Be for
Street Harassment, Anti-Black-Police-Sponsored Violence, The Workplace, Trans Equality, and Conflict De-escalation


Authentic Tantra Practitioner Certification - Institute of Authentic Tantra

Sexologist Certification - American Board of Sexology


50 hour Yin Yoga Certification - Arhanta Yoga


50 hour Yoga for Women’s Health Certification - Yoga Yoga // Austin, TX


200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification - Yoga Detox Peru // Cusco, Peru


B.A. Psychology - San Diego State University