for couples

Exploring new sexual realms with your partner is a powerful way to deepen your intimate connection, fulfill your highest capacity for pleasure, & learn how to use sexual energy as a healing modality within your relationship.

Every couple I work with is unique and has different goals, desires, and struggles both as individuals and as a couple overall. As a result, I cater the organization and structure of ongoing sessions according to what the present needs and challenges are.

For some couples, I recommend a combination of private 1:1 sessions in addition to couple’s sessions. This allows for certain issues to be addressed on an individual level that may be more challenging to approach with one’s significant-other present. I may also encourage additional counseling with a therapist to help treat deeper issues that may become apparent.

I strongly advise both people have past or present experience working with a therapist before starting Couples Sessions with me.

What couples can expect from working with me:

⋓ Improving communication and listening skills to overcome patterns of frustration, conflict, and misunderstanding, so trust and compassion can become more accessible

⋓ Identifying and owning your sensual and sexual desires in addition to understanding and accepting your partner’s

⋓ Contemporary sex education to learn more about you & your partner’s physiology and unique arousal processes

⋓ A safe, pleasurable container to learn about and experience sensual and sexual healing

⋓ Practices that soothe and regulate the nervous system both individually and as a couple to relieve stress & tension

⋓ Powerful partner exercises that cultivate deep bonding and nurturing

(2 hours)

I meet with my Couples Tantra clients in-person at my office in Los Angeles or online over Zoom for 2 hours about once per month. The coaching I provide as a holistic sexologist is very different than traditional talk therapy because there is more of an emphasis on the body and its physiology and less on the mind and cognition.

In between each session, you will be engaging with various individual and partnered exercises and tools that are essential to your growth and transformation. In order for you to overcome the issues you face and work towards the goals you have, it is recommended you are willing and able to aside about 3-6 hours per week to practice your homeplay.

The benefits you receive and how quickly they unfold is dependent on the time and attention you dedicate to this powerful and life-changing work.

Each session is catered uniquely to you, typically including a combination of

breathing exercises
contemporary sex education
communication tools
journaling & self-reflection practices
somatic healing techniques
self-pleasure practices
tools for nervous system regulation & vagus nerve healing

I agree to work with clients based on my ability to meet their individual needs and our compatibility to work together.

If your application is accepted, I will contact you via email within 3-5 days to schedule a 20-minute consultation ($30) over the phone to I can give you a better idea of what you can expect from our sessions, answer any questions you may have for me, and let you know what the next steps are for moving forward.

If you have any questions, please review my FAQs page before reaching out to me on my Contact page to send me a message.


Alexandra has this beautiful way of holding such a safe and inviting container. My partner and I really enjoyed her guidance and insights that we experienced during our couples session that helped us connect more deeply to each other in ways that we hadn’t yet experienced.

The pace, her voice and her wisdom were all so inviting and I highly recommend her to anyone looking to explore this type of work. She is incredible.
— T.E. Toronto, ON